Tim's Portfolio

Tim Straubinger (he/him)

I currently work at Industrial Light & Magic, working in VFX R&D.

Previously, I received my master's degree in Computer Science at the University of British Columbia, under the supervision of Robert Xiao and Helge Rhodin, with Imager Lab and the Computer Vision Lab, where I worked on acoustic reconstruction using machine learning and wave simulation.

I have also worked at Vital Mechanics Research, working on garment and soft tissue simulation.

When I'm not biking or exploring nature, I like to create my own worlds, usually with software, sometimes with Lego. Most of my software projects revolve around trying to capture or emulate organic complexity and chaos of one form or another.

I like to make music software, 3D renderings and fractals, and physics simulations among other things.

Take a look around. Please ask me any questions you have about my work.

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